Monday, August 8, 2011


I know this is not a political blog, but I feel like as a wife and mother I have the ultimate duty to share this with everyone.
          After what I feel like has been not only days, weeks, or months but years of the "blame game" in our nation's capital, I feel it is time. Time for what?
-American's to STAND UP for what they believe in, no matter what their neighbor think. This country was founded by a group of Christian people disgruntled with their government, so why can't we take it back. Overwhelming statistics show this country still believes in God, yet we stand idly by and watch the minority tell the majority what to do. Why? Speaking for my generation I believe my parent's generation was actually bread into a life of complacency. Where their parents had fought wars, lived through the Great Depression, and truly knew the sense of being an American. They wanted to be nothing like them and in turn left us with a huge mess. No, I am not blaming my parents or their generation, but I do believe they had a lot to do with it. Now as an older generation, Generation X, it is time to show them who we are and the mark we want to leave on this world. No longer should we be afraid that our voices won't be heard, but yell from the rooftops what we believe, the America we want our children to have, and everything we so honestly deserve in this great nation.
-Citizens to tell these so called politicians to go home and quit ruining the good name of the U.S.. No we would not be in this huge mess if it wasn't for everyone from the President to every Congressman acting like blubbering idiots. You can not say we are in debt so far that this country has almost no hope of seeing out of because of the person across the aisle from you. Come on. I guarantee there is not one person in D.C. that has not in some way contributed to this mess. Whether it be from receiving "pork" for their constituents or by turning a blind eye to whatever came across their desks. When you act like idiots in front of the rest of the world they are finally going to say, I told you so. That place is falling apart from the inside out. No one needs to help us because we seem to be doing a great job of it ourselves. THANKS MR. PRESIDENT AND CONGRESS!!!
Because of this it is TIME FOR-
-Us to remind these politicians we put them there and we can send them home. Get out and vote! Use your voice in town hall meetings, letters, emails, facebook, twitter, wherever you can so that they know we MEAN business. It won't happen if we stay quiet. If you do choose not to register to vote and then vote, do NOT cry when this great country comes crashing down around us because our forefathers and may after them fought long and hard to give you that right. SO, USE IT!!!
-Also, make them wary of the fact that their office not so long ago was volunteer with little or no pay and the obligation to still run a business back home.(Wow what would Congress do today without us supporting their every whim?)
Lastly, it is TIME FOR-
-All Americans to realize each one of use need to take ownership in what we have as a country today from the good to the bad. We are in a mess and need a way out so look to yourself and see what you can fix. Why loose a great thing just because "it is someone else's fault?"
I know this will seem like a rant to some, but really it is a cry from a mother who wants nothing more than to leave her children, community, and country a better place than she found it. So stand with me and  grab your friends, neighbors, and community and let's take OUR AMERICA BACK!!!!

P.S. This probably won't be the last you will hear from me about this. I am mad and I am ready for a TRUE "Change"

Friday, June 10, 2011


So, I just got back from a fabulous trip to Cheyenne, Wyoming. (My summer vacation for the year!) And I am whooped. Whoever thought taking 3 kids on an airplane by your self was a good idea might need to be shot, or given some Valium. Yes, William was only able to come up for the weekend due to school, and there was no way I was able to see everyone and actually visit in that short of time. So, I thought why not? Eight days would be great, and the kids and myself could actually visit. Well, we did get to visit, but it was exhausting by the time I got home. Oh well, we are home, and the summer fights and I'm bored sessions have begun. It seems to me the rest of the summer should be pretty laid back. Hallelujah!

About our trip---- We went to Cheyenne to see a close friend get married! Yes world, Eric Jacobsen is officially married. It was amazing, stressful, and tiring all in the same. I will say though it was worth every minute and ounce of effort. All of us got to witness something that I think the world seems to forget today, that real love does still exist.
The girls were able to see their Uncle Eric laugh, get nervous, (and shhh I think even shed a tear.) While at the same time gaining an "awesome" Aunt Sam, as they say. You could tell by just watching the two of them that they truly do love each other, and were ready to ride the roller coaster of life together. All I can say is, WOW!!! How else do you sum it up?
There were so many memorable moments for us at this wedding it would be hard to share them all, but here are a few.
    (Ok these are mine, not sure about the rest of the families votes.)
1. I laughed until I almost cried when Eric's (yes the groom's) phone rang during the middle of the rehearsal of the vows.
2. Sitting and making 240 key chains as favors with my hubby through the wee hours of the night. (Love you honey for helping with my sometimes crazy ideas.)
3. Watching Sam get so nervous when the air was suddenly not working the morning of the wedding. (No worries it was fixed in plenty of time. )
4. Seeing Pat (Eric's little brother) well up with tears during his toast at the reception. (The time in which I began to cry and almost couldn't stop.)
5. Having Ms. Kim (AKA Eric's Mom) hug me and say "I think you guys love them as much as we do." (How did she know?)
6. Getting to witness such a transformation in a great friend as he married his best friend. (I told him he would find her one day!)
We love you guys.... what a ride it has been and what a ride you have to look forward too!

Ok. Off of the mushy wedding stuff! It still makes me tear up! Let's see as I said, yes, William and I made 240 key chains. Hand cut, hand stamped, and then beaded! It was awesome if I must say so myself. They were all different too! At the same time William hand made a frame for an alphabet photo I made for them out of recycled wood. I know I am married to Handy Manny I think... Yeah me!

Now here is my tentative list for the rest of the summer.... LOL!!!!
1. Custom sneakers for some special little girls
2. New Chore Charts
3. Hair Bows for next school year
4. Getting my coupons organized (yes I am a crazy coupon lady) That is for another day though.
5. Listing a bunch of stuff on Ebay
6. Trying to get a jump start on birthday and Christmas gifts for friends and family...
7. Starting my own crafty business on Etsy
What do you think? Sounds a little crazy to me, but I think I can do it!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

It's a new day

I am a mom of two girls 9 and 7, a little "active" boy who is 2, and a wife to an active duty Airmen who also happens to be a full-time student at Texas A&M. Wow, is all I can say because my life is beyond hectic. Chaotic might actually be the word. 


Today is a new day for me. Yes, it is already May, but I was always taught "better late than never." Right? 

So, I have come up with a list of things I would like to do for myself.

1) Start exercising- Hmmmm this is going to take some umph on my part.
2) Eat great food while making better choices on what I eat.
3)Get crafting with all of these wonderful things my husband has gotten for me.
4)Read a book I want to read.
5)Get back on my list.
6) and if this is possible- GET MORE SLEEP

I know all of us moms at some point feel this way and make this same list. Let's see how much of this list we can accomplish, together.